Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Commercial Videos

I liked the majority of my classmate´s videos, they were all very unique and entertaining.  One of my favorite videos was Marifer's. I liked it because it all blend perfectly: the song, the theme, the way the video was made and presented, and most of al...the dog, it was just so adorable. I liked that she used several tools, such as the music, the written part, the colors, how fluid the video was, etc. It was definitely my favorite. One that I didn't love was Ari's video. The point of making a commercial was to film it ourselves, she only copied videos and added a couple of words and music. It was pretty cool, but that wasn't the assingment. Personally I didn't loved my video. I liked the concept and how I filmed it, but if I could change it I would add some music and words. The problem was that I didnt remember how to do that. But I think it is pretty funny, which was my original goal. 

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