A couple of months ago we saw a similar video, but it had to do more with population, education, and how challenging is to get a job these days. Instead, this was focused on social media. What I like about these videos is the way they are presented. They instantly catch your attention by displaying several images, fonts, up beat music, and most of all facts. Its loaded with tons of fascinating facts, things you would never imagine. They are shown one after another, so it constantly keeps your interested. Not a single moment of the video was boring.
Several facts caught my attention. For example: I can't believe "1 out of 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met via social media!", imagine in a couple of years...this number can easily double! Its not something Im against, but its somehow odd that in a couple of years most people are no longer going to meet in person for the first time! Also the fact that "80% of companies are using LinkedIn as their primary tool to find employees".
It is obvious that we are now living in a completely technological world, social media has become the modern industrial revolution. You're either part of it... or simply out of this world. It is important for us to learn how to use the available resources in order to hope for better opportunities in the future, either concerning possible jobs, education, etc.